We have a dream
that our love may abound more and more, in knowledge and depth of insight;
that we might be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ;
that for us, to live is Christ and to die is gain;
that we continue to work out our salvation with fear and trembling;
that we consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord;
that we press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of (us);
that we would rejoice in the Lord always;
that we eagerly await our citizenship in heaven;
that we would learn to be content whatever the circumstances;
that we be like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose;
that what we think about is; true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, & praiseworthy. (Philippians)
Our Passion
- The Bible plus nothing and minus nothing as our measure of faith and lifestyle
- Raising up believers who know how to minister to God and to other people
- Bringing others into a radical relationship with Jesus Christ
- Being a leadership team who demonstrate vulnerability,transparency, honesty and integrity.
- Recognizing, raising up and releasing all believers to leadership.
- Holding in equal importance: character, gifting, relationships and doctrine
- Placing friendship before function
- Being a zealous, passionate people, willing to pay the price to see God’s purpose fulfilled
- Making no biblical distinction based on culture, gender, race or economic status
- Holding marriage, family and singleness in high regard
- Being a prophetic people who see the future, prepare for the future, and become the future
- Being a church of, for and to all nations
Our Values
Being rooted in scripture and submitted to the Lordship of Christ, we desire to be sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and expect Him to move supernaturally and sovereignly.
We believe in the friendship that Jesus modelled, friendship where we release one another to fulfil our destiny in God. We will pursue authentic honest relationships, both with fellow believers and with the community, which allow each of us to discover and explore God. We will love each other enough to be vulnerable, speaking the truth and growing even through conflict. We will pursue friendship before defining function.
We believe that the body of Christ will only be built-up when each believer plays his or her part. We affirm that every believer, irrespective of age, culture or gender, has the ability, opportunity and responsibility to minister to God and to people, both in the church and in the community. We will encourage and equip believers to minister and create an enabling environment where all can participate in ministry out of their strong relationship with God.
Evangelising, caring for and growing individuals in Christ as we reach into our community and the nations with the gospel and dynamic practical ministry.
We desire to be real, integrous and accountable in all we do, always holding to the truth of the Bible.
We believe that each of us is equipped by the Holy Spirit to express ourselves creatively in worship and in serving. We will celebrate the uniqueness and diversity of Christs body by creating space for innovation and creativity in our midst.
We believe that we are called to represent the diversity of God’s people within our local community. As such we seek to build a community that embraces the diversity of culture, language, economic class and age that is present in the community around us. We believe that as we embrace our Godly identity that we will find community with each other in our communion with Christ.