Our Mission
To spread the gospel:
By communication, cause (deed) and community.
To see people of many cultures in our metropolis mentored into:
Personal renewal, Social restoration and Cultural reformation.
Our Vision
Great command Matthew 22:37
“who first loved me,” John 3:16
Deuteronomy 6:5, 30:16 + 20
Great commission Matthew 28:19
His Kingdom:
Matthew 5:3, 6:10/33
Matthew 11:12, 25:34
Luke 17:20 + 21
Alexis and Delene are the elders at Gemeente Waterland Church, and alongside a leadership team, serve the church.
“We moved from South Africa to Barneveld in the Netherlands in 2001 and then moved to Amstelveen in 2004. We started a small group in our house in 2004 and it grew into the planting of Gemeente Waterland Church in 2006.”
As well as leading the church Alexis is a product designer and is still involved in the industry. Delene is also a hands-on grandmother. They have 2 daughters & son-in–laws and 4 grandchildren.
Our Strategy
To live and be active in the community.
To be real and relevant within the community.
To make contact with people in the community.
To show love and hospitality to those in the community.
To meet regularly as a church, Sunday meeting and homegroup.
To invite people in our community to our church.
Our Goal
To be intimate and interactive with God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
To be creative in my relationship with God and the world; intuitively responding to God’s relationship and revelation.
To live among by possessing the land (work) identify through Gods Spirit and influence through friendship and testimony people of all race, colour, and creed in search of God Those whom he has given me John 17: 6-9 + 26
To establish in Christian communities and sustain with Gods presence, the local church through relationships, apostolic/prophetic/covenental
To be a herald, spreading the Good news An apostle, going to the nations and a teacher, growing Christian communities 2 Timothy 1:11
To train – through mentoring and teaching equip in Doctrine 1 Tim. 1:1-20 in Worship 1 Tim. 2:1-15 in Governance 1 Tim. 3:1-16 in Leadership 2 Tim. ch.1&2 and release under Gods anointing key people to go out locally – nationally – internationally